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Freedom Baptist Church
Faith Promise Missions

We believe that the word of God is urgently needed by all people in all nations. Jesus, Himself, commanded His disciples to go into ALL the world to make disciples, teach His commands and baptize those that believe in Him.

While we cannot all go to the outer regions of the world, we can help send and support those that can go.

Freedom Church helps to support 10 missionary families around the world. Our women's missionary organization (WMU) uses Faith Promise Missions to send support to these missionairies.

Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI) is the connecting mission organization Freedom Church uses to send these funds to our missionaries.

These men and women, along with their families, are those that Freedom Church is supporting through prayer and financial offerings.

Please keep them in prayer as they minister in their part of the world.

Timothy & Jenelle McCown
Sakado, Saitama, Japan
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Ian & Amanda Richards
Church Planter at Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Canberra, ACT Australia
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Scott & Dominique Pethtel
Florence, Italy
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Justin & Becka Trill

Justin & Becka Trill
Bangkok, Thailand
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Jim & Sybil Eberhard

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Joshua & Amanda Allred
Merida, Mexico

Brandon & Rachel Ivy
Manila, Philippines
phone: (417) 840 8136
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Guy & Debbie Bankston
Palmerston North, New Zealand


Kevin Pines family

Great Britain


Mission Valencia


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    "....where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom." II Corinthians 3:17
    Freedom Baptist Church
    1365 N.Bypass | Campbellsville, KY 42719 | PH: 270 789 2000